Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Help Needed!!!

Ok so this morning I was called and asked if my kids could be referred to the Dream Factory in Kansas City.. I'm suppose to be thinking about something for the kids... They can't tell me so I don't really know what to do for them...so we take a trip, ???I have no clue I'm not use to people wanting to do stuff for us. If you have any suggestions that would help my two kids with down syndrome and cri du chat syndrome please help, I know this is something that should be so easy for me but it is really not I don;t even know where to begin!!


  1. Gosh I dont know either. I will think on it. I thought about contacting Make a wish foundation for Tucker before we go to heart surgery....i would ask for an outdoor playground. He loves to be outside but doesnt get too very often. He would love to have a big slid and swing in the back yard.
    How is everyone around your place.? healthy? Did Zach get over his NO days...i hope so.

  2. I tagged you with an award....go over and see.

  3. I kinda thought of a swing set to..But I was looking on the website and my kids have to be able to tell them, I can't do it for them, I don't know if the lady that referred them knows that, if not it's not that big of a deal..I was also like it would be so awesome if they could build my kids like this big therapy room filled with all the therapy devices and toys!! I know realitically that is not possible but hey we can wish and dream:) Everyone is doing well still have snotty noses ahhh. We need warm weather to stay. I was trying to look I don't see an award??? I was thinking back to the dream factory thing...when I first learned about it I thought of Tucker and how is so deserving, that little guy has big days ahead of him(huh) I have been keeping him in my prayers

  4. they dont have to talk and say what they want....you can do that for them. Maybe you can ask for the therapy room. Do you have a room they could come in and customize for you? Like a dinningroom that you can convert into the room? They could put mirrors and poles on the wall to help them stand...all kinds of stuff and that can be done reasonably. They have all kinds of contacts and people who donate....if htat is what you are thinking, then ask for that. You know better than anyone. I do know that you can ask for it for them. I read a few of the stories on Make a Wish foundation and the reciepants that were non verbal were given by their parents.

  5. The award is the Lemonade stand....if you read that post you will see your name posted down in the body of it. In the blog world they are just little pictures that you copy and past into your sidebar and or post about. It took me forever to get that one posted on my blog because my friend always does them for me....but i figured it out and posted it. If you copy and past you can take the picture and post it on your site. If you look down my blog on the right side, down towards the bottom you will see some other awards that I have gotten....my dear friend gave them all to me. I dont follow a whole lot of people, therefore I dont get many people following me.


at home 15days after diaphragmatic hernia repair

Singin The "Beach Song"


who's behind me????-Allie




Grandma Sammy, Allie, Aunt Stormy, Zachery